Benigni a Sanremo | Benigni at Sanremo festival (since 1953, the biggest yearly music event in Italy - equivalent to the US Grammy Music Awards). |
Capita assai raramente, se non mai, che passi in televisione un Messaggio d'Amore di portata ed intensità pari a quello profuso da Roberto Benigni in occasione del suo intervento al Festival di Sanremo 2002. (Parlo di sinceri messaggi d'Amore vero, genuino - perchè di stucchevole facile buonismo che aiuta a smerciare, la TV è già fin troppo piena, purtroppo.) | It happens quite seldom, if it ever happens that is, that TV broadcasts a Message of Love as large and as powerful as the one that Roberto Benigni gave on his appearance at Sanremo Festival 2002. (I'm talking about sincere messages of true, genuine Love - it's a pity to witness how TV is already packed full with so-called positive-messages, whose only aim is to sell more rubbish.) |
Ed è stata una delle rarissime volte (forse addirittura la prima) in cui qualcuno ha Cantato, su quel palco. Cantato con la C maiuscola: Cantato col Cuore, con l'Anima, e non soltanto con la bocca - chè di primedonne desiderose di espettorare i loro suoni (più o meno articolàti, ma quasi sempre deprivàti di anche un minimo di sentimento) ne sono già passate tante, sul palco dell'Ariston, ma soltanto Benigni e pochi altri hanno dimostrato di aver profondamente Capito che cosa sia e a che cosa serva la Musica. |
And this has been one of the very few times (the first time, perhaps) when somebody has actually Singed, on that stage. Singed with the capital-S: Singed with the Heart, with the Soul, not only with the mouth. Way too many "star people", willing to cough their sounds (wether articulated or not, but usually deprived from the least honest feeling within), have crossed the stage of theatre Ariston. But only Benigni and a few others have demonstrated how deeply they've Understood what Music is, and what it's for. |
Se vi potessi far vedere il mi' cuore.. il mi' corpo è in tumulto! Ve lo farei vedere che batte forte, ma forte!, ve lo tirerei in faccia, questo affetto, centuplicato per mille! Perchè vi voglio un bene che travalica le montagne, dovunque vada. E vi amo! E per finire, perchè l'Amore per la persona Amata è il più grande di tutti, persino più di quello che siamo nati, chè se i nostri genitori quando siamo nati ci hanno fatto scendere dal cielo alla Terra, l'Amore per la persona Amata ci riporta dalla terra al cielo: coltiviamo l'Amore per la persona Amata! E volevo concludere con quest'emozione: vi volevo fare una bella canzone d'Amore, scritta insieme a Cerami e musicata dal maestro Nicola Piovani. Se mi danno l'accordo, vi faccio la canzone "Quanto t'ho amato", dedicata proprio.. a tutte le.. ah, va be', dedicata.. "vabbè, Benigni, abbiamo capito: facci 'sta canzone!" | If only I could show you my heart.. my whole body is in a turnmoil! I'd show you, how it's beating fast, real fast!, I'd throw it onto your face, this affection, mutiplied one hundred, one thousand times! Because my affection for you is the type of love that climbs across the mountains, no matter where it goes. And I love you! Now let me finish, because the Love for your Beloved person is the greatest love of all, even larger than the one we were born from, since our parents, when we were born, brought us from heavens to the Earth, but the Love for our Beloved person brings us back from the Earth up to Heaven: let's cultivate our Love for our Beloved person! I wished to come to an end, with this emotion: I wanted to perform for you a beautiful Love song, which I wrote with Cerami [author of the script of the Oscar-awarded movie "Life is beautiful"] and put into music by maestro Nicola Piovani [who won an Oscar for "best soundtrack" with "Life is beautiful"]. If the orchestra gives me the starting-chord, I'll sing the song "How much I've been loving you", dedicated right to.. to all the [people in Love - I suppose].. oh, well, dedicated to.. "ok, mr.Benigni, we've got it clear enuff: now sing the damn song, won't you?" |
HOW MUCH I'VE BEEN LOVING YOU - Lyrics by Roberto Benigni and Vincenzo Cerami. Music by Nicola Piovani. |
Se tu mi avessi chiesto "Come stai?"..
If you had asked me "How are you?".. if you had asked me "Where are we going to?".. I would've answered: "Well, sure, you know.. I'm speaking to you, but without any breath." I get lost inside your huge look: you're the Northern Star. You feel my skin, then you laugh.. no, it ain't fair, this way! So I don't speak, but if I don't speak I feel bad. |
Quanto t'ho Amato e quanto t'Amo non lo sai,
How much I've been Loving you, and how much I Love you, you don't know that. And you don't know that, 'cause I never told you. Even if I keep silent, you can understand it by yourself. How much I've been Loving you, and how much I Love you, you don't know that: I never told you, and I'm never gonna tell you - when it comes to Love, words count nothing: the only thing that matters, is.. the Music. |
Se tu mi avessi chiesto "Che si fa?"..
If you had asked me "What are we gonna do now?".. if you had asked me "Where are we going to?".. I would've answered: "There, where the wind goes." Clouds are embrodering [the sky], a rainstorm falls down raining on my head: it's you, the hidden sky, but then it all gets lost with the words - that's why I choose not to speak, and then I feel bad. |
Quanto t'ho Amato e quanto t'Amo non lo sai,
How much I've been Loving you, and how much I Love you, you don't know that. And you don't know that, 'cause I never told you. Even if I keep silent, you can understand it by yourself. How much I've been Loving you, and how much I Love you, you don't know that: I never told you, and I'm never gonna tell you - when it comes to Love, words count nothing: the only thing that matters, is.. the Music. |
Quanto t'ho Amato e quanto t'Amo non lo sai,
How much I've been Loving you, and how much I Love you, you don't know that. I never told that, but one day you'll understand: when it comes to Love, words count nothing: the only thing that matters, is.. the Music. |
Grazie dell'affetto! (Roberto Benigni!) non me lo scorderò mai finchè campo. Ciao! (Roberto! Roberto! Roberto!) Grazie! Grazie! Che Dio vi benedica per l'Eternità! |
Thank you for your affection! (Mr.Roberto Benigni!) I won't forget this as long as I live. Goodbye! (Roberto! Roberto! Roberto!) Thank you! Thank you! God bless you all eternally! |
Una lezione di classe, di stile, di grandezza, di magnanimità.. io sono.. come tutti voi sono sconvolto.. perchè ci ha fatto ridere, piangere: è la forza dei Grandi comici, passare da un registro all'altro.. non voglio continuare. Meglio un po' di pubblicità, così.. |
A lesson of class, of style, of greatness, of magnanimity.. I am.. I'm as much shocked as you all are.. because he made us laugh, cry: it's the power of the Great comedians, to switch from one acting-registry to another.. I don't wanna go on [ie: I've got nothing else to say.] We better call in for some advertisement, so we can.. [recover.] |
Oltre 20 milioni di spettatori (2/3 dello share)
L'esibizione di Benigni, in onda dalle 22.31 alle 22.59 [del 10 Marzo 2002], ha ottenuto una media d'ascolto di 19 milioni 218mila spettatori, pari al 73,34% della platea televisiva. .. I picchi d'ascolto sono stati ottenuti .. durante l'esibizione di Benigni, alle 22.41, quando davanti a Raiuno c'erano 20 milioni 285mila telespettatori. (RAInet news) | More than 20 millions spectators (2/3 of the TV share) .. Benigni's show, on air from 10.31 to 10.59PM [March 10th, 2002], has achieved an average of 19,218,000 viewers, the 73.34% of the TV spectators. .. The peaks [on that night of Sanremo Festival] were recorded during Benigni's show, at 10.41PM, when 20,285,000 spectators were watching Raiuno channel. |
Leggi il testo completo dell'intera esibizione di Benigni (con MP3)
Dal momento che pubblicare il testo senza la musica avrebbe amputato la canzone, per questa sola ragione ho deciso di rendere disponibile anche l'MP3 - peraltro a una qualità audio così bassa (mono, 16kHz, 16kbps) da spingere all'acquisto del disco originale chi fosse interessato a un ascolto migliore. (Ove sia possibile acquistarlo on-line, è sempre riportato il link "COMPRA IL CD".) Non è mia intenzione infrangere alcun copyright. Semmai, l'esatto contrario: desidero fare pubblicità! :-)
To publish the lyrics without the music, would mean to amputate the songs - so for this reason, and for this reason only, I'm including the MP3. However, their audio quality is so low (mono, 16kHz,16kbps) that anybody who were interested in enjoy a better listening will buy the original record. (Whenever it can be bought on-line, a "BUY THE CD" link is always indicated.) It is not my intention to infringe any copyright. Just in case, quite the opposite: I'm doing free advertising! :-)