I Premi Darwin commemorano tutte quelle persone che hanno migliorato il DNA della nostra razza smettendo di farne parte in modi assai stupidi.
È risaputo che l'albero della vita si pota da sè, e i vincitori dei Premi Darwin si eliminano in maniere straordinariamente idiote - e così facendo aumentano le probabilità che ha la nostra specie di sopravvivere a lungo.
(This Darwin Award is the most popular of all time. Considered true for years, it was later debunked as an Urban Legend by the Arizona Department of Public Safety. .. Keith Cody reports, "Steve Lubars called the Arizona Highway Patrol in July 1996 to research this story. According to Charles DeCarolis at the Arizona Department of Public Safety, "No such incident has ever been described in any Highway Patrol accident or crime scene reports," and he said I could quote him 'on the record.'") ..
(.. Skepticism from Pete Butler [and] Todd Cook ..: "I find it hard to believe that the snake was hunger-crazed. .. Herpetologists speculate that that the young man forgot to wash the chicken smell from his hands. .. Still, letting a TWELVE FOOT BLOODY PYTHON roam free in your home definitely makes you a Darwin candidtate.")
.. How, you might ask, with only a 9V battery? .. 1mA of current through the human body can be felt, 10mA of current is sufficient to make muscles contract to the point where you cannot let go of a power source, and 100mA is sufficient to stop the heart. .. Our body's resistance [is] 500K Ohms. Using 9V and 500K Ohms .. we come up with a current of 18 microAmps, below the "feel" threshold of 1mA. However, removing the insulation of skin from our curious sailor here, the resistance through the very good conducting electrolytes of the body is sharply lower. Around 100 ohms, .. resulting in a current of 90mA - sufficient to stop our sailor's heart and kill him. .. This sailor apparently did this alone in the lab, and spent a few minutes in ventricular fibrillation. A defibrillator might have saved his life had someone been there to use it. ..
March 2001: Justin's tale is more complicated, but his fate is equally apt. A failure to wear his seatbelt led him to 18 days in a coma, after he crashed his car at 90 miles per hour and was ejected from a window. .. One year later, Justin was riding with a friend, again sans seatbelt, when the speeding vehicle careened off the pavement. Once again he was involuntarily ejected from the window, only this time he was killed on impact. ..
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