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Birth Chart of
calculated with Astrolog v5.40
Sun in Gemini and 11th House:'s spirit, ego, image of self, and sense of aliveness is inquisitive, witty, perceptive, adaptable, and seeks out information. Most often this manifests in the area of life dealing with the future, life goals, and association with friends and groups.
Moon in Capricorn and 5th House:'s emotional nature, moods, feelings, and caring tendencies is very industrious, practical, disciplined, and works for solitude and personal integrity. Most often this manifests in the area of life dealing with finding joy, pleasure, and creative expression. (This bit plays only a minor part in their psyche.)
Mars in Cancer and 11th House:'s will, energy, activity, and aggressive, assertive tendencies is very introspective, emotional, protective, and wants inner and outer security. Most often this manifests in the area of life dealing with the future, life goals, and association with friends and groups. It is difficult for them to express this part of themself.
Jupiter in Taurus and 10th House:'s enthusiastic, faithful, wise, expansive, spontaneous nature is practical, often skeptical and stubborn, and loves serenity and inner peace. Most often this manifests in the area of life dealing with career, social stature, and destiny.
Retrograde Uranus in Aquarius and 6th House:'s individuality, desires for change, and tendency to go against social norms is progressive, erratic, revolutionary, idealistic, humanitarian, inventive, and desires individuality. Most often this manifests in an independent, backward, introverted manner, and in the area of life dealing with work and feeling talented and useful. This is a major aspect of their psyche!
Retrograde Pluto in Sagittarius and 4th House:'s destiny, and capacity to transform the self and the outer world is jovial, open minded, loves freedom, and seeks meaning and new experience. Most often this manifests in an independent, backward, introverted manner, and in the area of life dealing with imagination, fantasies, inner feelings, and domestic life.
Retrograde Chiron in Sagittarius and 4th House:'s ability to help, heal, and teach others, and where one has much experience is jovial, open minded, loves freedom, and seeks meaning and new experience. Most often this manifests in an independent, backward, introverted manner, and in the area of life dealing with imagination, fantasies, inner feelings, and domestic life.
Sun Trine Uranus:'s spirit, ego, image of self, and sense of aliveness is somewhat in harmony with their individuality, desires for change, and tendency to go against social norms.
Pluto Conjunct Chiron:'s destiny, and capacity to transform the self and the outer world is connected and fused together with their ability to help, heal, and teach others, and where one has much experience. Both parts are prominent in their psyche.
Neptune Conjunct Vesta:'s intuitive, spiritual, compassionate, psychic nature is always connected and fused together with their capacity to direct creative energy into personal or devotional goals. Both parts are prominent in their psyche.
Jupiter Trine Vertex:'s enthusiastic, faithful, wise, expansive, spontaneous nature is somewhat in harmony with their karmic fate and method of reception of energies.
Mercury Opposite Vertex:'s thoughts, intellect, and communicative activity opposes and creates tension with their karmic fate and method of reception of energies. Balance is needed.
Saturn Square Uranus:'s part of mind that is disciplined, respectful, and solitary is in conflict with their individuality, desires for change, and tendency to go against social norms. Adaptation is required by both sides.
Saturn Trine Vertex:'s part of mind that is disciplined, respectful, and solitary is in harmony with their karmic fate and method of reception of energies.
Mars Sextile Pallas:'s will, energy, activity, and aggressive, assertive tendencies has opportunity for growth, exchange, and harmony in relation with their tendency to direct energy away from emotional and into mental pursuits.
Neptune Sextile Pluto:'s intuitive, spiritual, compassionate, psychic nature has opportunity for growth, exchange, and harmony in relation with their destiny, and capacity to transform the self and the outer world.